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Dr. Jerome Foss Honored with Thoburn Excellence in Teaching Award

Dr. Jerome Foss Honored with Thoburn Excellence in Teaching Award

dr jerome foss thoburn award saint vincent college
by Public Relations | November 24, 2021

LATROBE, PA – Dr. Jerome Foss, associate professor of politics at Saint Vincent College, was presented the Thoburn Excellence in Teaching Award at the annual Founders’ Day Honors Convocation in the Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica on Nov. 18.

Nominations for the Thoburn Award are made by Saint Vincent College alumni five to seven years after graduation. Alumni are invited to name one member of the faculty who has made a significant impact on them through their teaching and personal interactions.

The award was presented to Foss by Father Philip M. Kanfush, O.S.B., interim vice president for academic affairs and academic dean.

"Since arriving at Saint Vincent in 2011, Dr. Foss has become ingrained in this academic community. His commitments to his students, both during and after their time at Saint Vincent, is evident in the nominations received this year," Father Philip said.

He continued, "One former student wrote, 'Dr. Foss has remained a mentor and a friend ever since I graduated. We have gone to conferences together, and he has sent me job opportunities and has written me letters of recommendation within the last several months. He is always interested to hear how my work is going, even when he is very busy himself.' Another student remarked that Dr. Foss’s PS 100 class prepared them for college more than any other class."

"This is a tremendous honor," Foss said. He went on to read an excerpt from a reflection he wrote on teaching that was featured in the recently-published Saint Vincent academic journal, Conversatio, before thanking his friends, family and former teachers for their constant support and encouragement over the years.

jerome foss paul taylor thoburn award"I'm thankful to be at Saint Vincent College today where I get to help pass on the tradition of Catholic, Benedictine and liberal education," Foss said "I'm thankful for Boniface Wimmer and the other founders of this Benedictine community. We would not be here today without the courage they displayed 175 years ago."

Foss holds a bachelor’s degree in politics from the University of Dallas and both a master’s and Ph.D. in political science from Baylor University. He joined Saint Vincent College faculty in 2011 and founded the Center for Catholic Thought and Culture in 2019, now holding the title of Endowed Director.

In addition to being a well-respected scholar with his own scholarly publications and presentations, Foss organizes and leads conferences, seminars and reading groups for the Center for Catholic Thought and Culture. He also directs the Saint Vincent Summer Institute in Rome and serves as a Fellow for the College’s Center for Political and Economic Thought. 

On being so heavily involved with various programs and activities on campus, Foss said, "I'm just trying to fulfill my responsibility. I’ve been given a lot, and when much is given, much is expected."

The Thoburn Excellence in Teaching Award is made possible by a gift from the late Thomas W. Thoburn Jr., and Tina Thoburn, D.Ed., educators and philanthropists from Ligonier, Pennsylvania.


PHOTO 1: Dr. Jerome Foss speaks after receiving the Thoburn Excellence in Teaching Award

PHOTO 2: Dr. Jerome Foss is presented the Thoburn Award by SVC President Father Paul Taylor, O.S.B.