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A Message from SVC President Father Paul Taylor, O.S.B.

A Message from SVC President Father Paul Taylor, O.S.B.

by President | January 07, 2021

Dear Members of the Saint Vincent Community,

Yesterday, we witnessed certain people in Washington, D.C., engage in shocking and frightening acts of violence against not just the institutions and people of our democracy, but against its lawful processes, as well. At Saint Vincent College, we teach the importance of the sanctity of human life, the rule of law, civil discourse, free speech and civil engagement, and we strongly condemn the extreme actions of violence and destruction that were on display at our nation’s capital. We believe that all individuals have the right to an opinion, but when beliefs and opinions devolve into illegal and violent activities, there will be no tolerance.

As we noted yesterday, we became aware of a video posted by an individual who had served as an adjunct faculty member here which documented his participation in the demonstration which took place. Concerned that his actions did not and do not reflect our mission, we immediately commenced an internal investigation of the matter. As a result, the individual has submitted and we have accepted his letter of resignation, effective immediately. This individual will no longer be associated with Saint Vincent College in any capacity.

We must move forward as individuals, a community and a nation. We pray for those who died or were injured during yesterday’s events, and we pray now, more than ever for healing, unity and the end of the divisiveness that has permeated our society.

Each of you are in my prayers and in the prayers of our monastic community.

Father Paul

Father Paul R. Taylor, O.S.B.
Saint Vincent College