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Center for Northern Appalachian Studies

Center for Northern Appalachian Studies

The Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies seeks to document the heritage of the multi-faceted region of Northern Appalachia using the tools provided by a variety of disciplines and community-oriented projects.

The center works to enable students and faculty to learn across the whole spectrum of human experience through interdisciplinary study and participation in fieldwork. Simultaneously, members of the off-campus community (local, state, national, and international) collaborate with us at every level in collecting, preserving, relating and interpreting their pasts and experiences.

Because of various and significant connections and relationships between the Saint Vincent Community and the people of Western Pennsylvania, we consider Western Pennsylvania to be the primary but not the exclusive field for our study of Northern Appalachia.

The Center for Northern Appalachian Studies has also released several publications that provide insight and information on topics such as World War II oral histories and aviation in Western Pennsylvania. All publications are available for purchase at the Saint Vincent College Bookstore

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  • Publications

    They Say There Was a War


    This collection of World War II Oral Histories. General Editors: Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D; David Wilmes; Eric Greisinger; John DePaul
    Editors: Erica Wissolik; Barbara Wissolik; Katie Killen; Rick Claypool; Srdn Smailbegovich; Gary E. J. Smith; Michael Cerce, Almaan El-Attrache
    Introductory Essays: John DePaul, Eric Greisinger, David Wilmes, David Zauhar
    Book Design and Artwork: Michael Wilkey; Michael Cerce; Richard David Wissolik, Hank Stairs. 

    A Place in the Sky


    This publication is available for online review through Google Books

    ISBN: 1-885851-17-0

    Format: 8x11", gloss paper, 225 pages, 16 full-color pages, over 400 photos, illustrations, documents.

    Perhaps the most and copiously illustrated history of aviation in Pennsylvania. This book also contains the most comprehensive account of the development of All American Aviation's (Dr. Lytle Adams') air mail pickup system now extant. A Place in the Sky contains personal accounts, rare archival photographs, and thorough representation of newspaper accounts concerning aviation in Pennsylvania from its earliest days. Any aviation historian or buff will find this book not only useful and informative, but entertaining as well. 


    Listen to Our Words


    Oral Histories of the Jewish Community of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.

    General Editors: Richard David Wissolik; Jennifer Campion; Barbara Wissolik. Editors: Erica Wissolik, Milton Radman, David Wilmes, Joseph Laskos. Introductions: Benedict Janecko, OSB; Ronald E. Tranquilla; Richard David Wissolik. Funded through grants from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, the United Jewish Federation, and the Westmoreland County Jewish Community Council. 1997. ISBN: 1-885851-10-3.


    The Long Road: From Oran to Pilser


    The Oral Histories of United States Army Veterans in the European Theatre of Operations, World War II.  

    General Editors: David Wilmes, Richard David Wissolik, John Hill, Gary E. J. Smith. Profusely illustrated with photographs from the collections of the interviewees. Original drawings by J.S. Downs. Produced under grants from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development and the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. ISBN: 1-88585-13-8. Hardbound, Smythe-sewn. 1999. $30.00. 

     For information about ordering these publications, please contact the SVC Bookstore.

  • Fellows

    Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D. (English Department, Saint Vincent College)
    Ronald E. Tranquilla, Ph.D. (English Department, Saint Vincent College)
    Warren Murrman, O.S.B. (Saint Vincent Archabbey and Seminary)
    Barbara J. Wissolik (Saint Vincent College, 1996)
    Wulfstan Clough, O.S.B, Ph.D., (English Department, Saint Vincent College)
    Jerome Oetgen, Ph.D. (United States Information Agency)
    Erica Wissolik, M.A. (Texas Sunset Advisory Commission)
    Linda Shopes, Ph.D. (Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
    John DePaul (Jeannette, PA; Editor and Consultant, SVC CNAS)
    Thomas Reid (Major, United States Army, IG, Vietnam, Ret)
    Thomas Cable (USAAF, Fifteenth Airforce, 456th Bomb Group, ETO)
    Joseph Folino (US 691st Tank Destroyer Battalion, ETO)
    Chester Lapa (US 63rd/90th Infantry Divisions, ETO)
    Harvey Waugaman (US 87th Infantry Division, ETO)
    Peter Talarovich (26th Infantry Division, ETO)
    Lewis Jacob Steck (USMC, 2nd Marine Division, PTO)
    Ross Saunders (US 66th Infantry Division, ETO)
    Richard Mulcahy, Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh, Titusville)
    Charles J. McGeever, Ph.D, (University of Maryland, Overseas Program)
    + A.R.L. Bell, Ph.D., (California State University, Long Beach)
    + Joseph Heisel (United States Airforce, World War II)
    + Mario DiPaul (United States Army, World War II)
    Gary E.J. Smith (Saint Vincent College, 1992, Editor, SVC CNAS)
    David Wilmes (Saint Vincent College, 1996, Editor, SVC CNAS)
    Jennifer Campion (Saint Vincent College, 1994)
    Michelle Howatineck (Saint Vincent College, 1993)
    Milton Radman (Westmoreland County Jewish Community Council)
    Robert Mendler (Survivor of the Holocaust)
    John Slaney (Royal Airforce, World War II)
    Elizabeth Slaney (Women's Auxiliary, Great Britain, World War II)
    + Richard R. (Doc) Buchanan, MD (United States Army Medical Corps, World War II)
    + Thomas J. Evans (United States Army, World War II, ETO)
    G. Foster Provost, Ph.D. (Professor Emeritus, Duquesne University)
    Rina Ferrarelli (Poet)
    John Hill (Saint Vincent College, 1999)
    Alexander Robert Nelson (US Fifteenth Airforce, 449th Bomb Group, ETO)
    + Harry Bee (US 63rd Infantry Division, ETO)
    James Herrington (101st Airborne Division, ETO)
    Samuel A. Folby (United States Army, World War II, ETO)
    Nicholas Matro (Twentieth Air Force, 6th Bomb Group, PTO)
    Joseph Kay (United States Army, World War II, ETO)
    John J. DiBattista (US, 4th Armored Division, 25th Cav Recon,ETO)
    + Charles E. Fisher (US Eight Airforce, ETO)
    Julie Platt (Saint Vincent College)
    Edwin P. Hogan, D.M.D. (Smithton, PA, Civil War Historian, Author)
    Henry Hank Stairs (Ligonier, PA. 30th Infantry Division)
    James P. Takitch (USN, U.S.S. Kidd, PTO)
    Harry McCracken (US 99th Infantry Division, ETO).
    + Richard Radock (US 80th Infantry Division, ETO).
    Leroy "Whitey" Schaller (Bolivar, PA. 28th Division, ETO).
    Gene Lakin (Director, Arnold Palmer Regional Airport)
    Eric B. Greisinger (American Civil War, World War II reenactor, historian)
    Richard Sturtz (Amerian Civil War, World War II reenactor)
    Darryl Dennis Baughman (US Medical Corps; Vietnam)
    Joseph E. Greubel (President, Valley Dairy Stores)
    Katie Killen (Saint Vincent College, 2005)
    David Safin (Multimedia Services, Saint Vincent College)
    Jared Bundy (Marketing and Communication, Saint Vincent College)

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Center for Northern Appalachian Studies

Emily Arledge