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Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry students and Benedictines

Welcome to Saint Vincent College Campus Ministry

The heart and soul of St. Vincent College is a fervent love of Christ.  Having established the college, the monks of St. Vincent Archabbey have entrusted the relationship of its students to Campus Ministry for the glory of God and their benefit.  This central reality of campus life is designed to nurture and foster the spiritual, social, intellectual, and affective lives of each and every student on campus.  Campus ministry has something to offer every student, regardless of faith tradition because all are welcome to deepen their relationship with Jesus and one another.  Our Campus Ministers are also available to talk to students for personal guidance during those times we all have when we need someone to rely on.

The Joy of Lent: Daily Reflections

Every year, Campus Ministry gathers personal reflections about the season of Lent from Saint Vincent College students, faculty, and staff based on each day’s gospel reading.

We invite you to join us during this season by signing up to receive these brief reflections through your email.

Due to a software update, please sign up for our Lenten Reflections again even if you have received these daily emails in the past.

Sign Up for Daily Lenten Reflections

Liturgy and Worship, to love them

Liturgy = participation of the people of God in the work of God (CCC 1069)

We give praise back to our redeemer and Savior through our worship in all of its forms

We are made from and by Love, and offer Love back to its source, who is God.

Saint Vincent Campus Ministry provides the following opportunities in Celebration of Mass, Confessions, Adoration, praise and worship opportunities, Retreats, and more. 

Formation and Study, to feed them

Encountering Love, we seek nourishment and sustained growth in our faith

Once we encounter the Lord, we desire Him more and more! Our curiosity grows as we seek and find answers slowly and steadily, we find our nourishment in Christ. In Campus Ministry we seek to help provide opportunities for that nourishment.

Saint Vincent Campus Ministry provides the following opportunities in Formation and Study: Bible studies, men’s and women’s ministry, men’s and women’s small groups, Theology on Tap, and more.

Evangelization and Outreach, to want them around

Encountering Christ in a real and intimate way, we soon realize the joy we have must be shared with others and brought forward. The call, the need, the necessity to evangelize and spread the good news flows from the Love and nourishment we have been enlivened by the faith.

We build up community, and realize that we who have been loved and nourished want to love and nourish others – we really do want you around and involved.

Saint Vincent Campus Ministry provides the following opportunities in Evangelization and Outreach: FOP, High School Retreats, Dorm Blessings, Sports Friendship Day, Service Projects, Pilgrimages, International Trips, and more. 

Click here to read the latest Benedictine Weekly Bulletin.

  • Worship

    Liturgical Schedule

    Mary, Mother of Wisdom Chapel

    Weekend Masses
    Saturday at 4:30 PM
    Sunday at 7:00 PM, 9:30 PM

    Weekday Masses
    Monday - Friday at 12:05 PM
    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 4:15 PM

    Sacrament of Reconciliation  

    Monday - Friday at 11:45 AM
    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 4:00 PM
    Saturday at 3:45 PM
    Fr. Max available to hear confessions by appointment

    Summer Mass Schedule

    Updates about summer Masses will be posted as available.

    Any deviations from this schedule will be posted on the Chapel doors. 
    Looking for Mass times for Holy Days that aren't posted here? Just dial extension 2350.

    Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica  

    Sunday Masses
    Saturday evenings at 5:00 PM
    Sundays at 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, and 7:00 PM

    Weekday Masses 
    Weekday masses are at 6:50 AM and 8:00 AM Monday through Friday and Saturdays at 7:20 AM and 8:30 AM

    Community Masses
    The Monastery, College, Seminary, and Parish
    Communities will gather in the Basilica for a combined Saint Vincent Community Mass at 5 PM Everyone is invited to join in this weekly celebration.

    Sacrament of Reconciliation
    Every Weekday 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM and Saturdays 4:00 PM to 4:50 PM.

    Holy Days of Obligation
    Holy day masses are at 6:50 AM, 8:30 AM and 7 PM, but always consult the church bulletin for any changes.

    Monastic Prayer Schedule (Divine Office)
    All are welcome!  
    Morning Prayer at Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica
    Midday Prayer at Saint Gregory Chapel
    Evening Prayer at Saint Vincent Archabbey Basilica
    Sunday - Saturday 6:45 AM, 11:30 AM and 5:00 PM
  • Education


    Campus Ministry provides many different opportunities for faith-based education. Within Campus Ministry, you will find formal and informal educational opportunities, for example, an informal program would be Tapping Theology and Men’s and Women’s Small Groups that include conversations around the Catechism and Theology of the Body. A formal example of education would be the Bible Study Group. Weekly, Br. Francisco and Br. Jose meet with the students to teach and discuss Sacred Scripture using the Benedictine tool of Lectio Divina.

    Benedictine Leadership Studies is a unique leadership program at Saint Vincent College rooted in the teachings of the Catholic Church and in Benedictine spirituality of Saint Benedict. BLS works closely with Campus Ministry, as BLS students are encouraged to assist Campus Ministry in promoting a Benedictine lifestyle which is liturgically rooted and pro-life culture on campus. For further information please contact: Dr. Michael P. Krom, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at

  • Prayer Requests & Mass Intention

    Saint Vincent College Prayer Requests & To Request A Mass Intention

    The Campus Ministers of Saint Vincent College invite you to send us your prayer requests. Your prayer needs are important to us and are prayed for each day during our Masses in Mary, Mother of Wisdom Student Chapel.

    For all prayer requests and mass intentions, please contact Fr. Max at



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Saint Vincent students embody Christian charity in their gifts of time and talents for those in need due to hunger, poverty, natural disasters or other personal challenges. Students annually organize Sports Friendship Day for individuals who are differently abled, visit nursing homes, conduct blood drives, feed the hungry, attend the March for Life, go on mission trips to Alaska, Brazil and Taiwan, as well as a local service project over fall break. Our students describe these opportunities as both beneficial to others as well as being personally rewarding.


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Relationship Building

An integral part of every faith life is being part of the community of believers.  Campus Ministry understands this principle and so we provide our community many opportunities to create new relationships as well as strengthen toward a lifetime of communion those relationships well under way.  These include Men’s and Women’s Fellowship Groups, Retreats, Dinners, Informal Discussion, Halloween Pumpkin Carving, Christmas Caroling, Bonfires, Barbeques, and so much more.

Another opportunity for relationship building lies in our small groups. These groups dive into various aspects of one’s personality, experiences, spirituality, and character, relating each individual to one’s particular strengths, so as to obtain a stronger understanding of who one is and how exactly God is calling you to work in the world. Participates are challenged to be vulnerable and open to growth with one another, allowing for deep connections and friendships to form.


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Spiritual Activities

Saint Vincent Campus Ministry understands the needs of the students, which is why we provide several Masses per week in the Mary, Mother of Wisdom Student Chapel twice a day (located in the Robert S. Carey Student Center) including two Masses on weekdays and three on Weekends with times accommodated to student life.  Weekly Adoration, Worship and Praise, and a monthly Festival of Praise are also available in the chapel. 

The Student Chapel is a quiet and holy place set aside from the normal busyness of college life where all students can pray, meditate, and seek solace in the presence of their Lord. Student participation during the Mass is also highly encouraged in Campus Ministry with opportunities to lector, cantor, become and extraordinary minister of the Eucharist, usher, and other ministries of hospitality.

For students who are not members of the Catholic faith, our campus ministers network with area churches of all denominations for students who wish to attend a service off campus. Let us know you would like to go off campus to church and we can help get to Church.


Benedictine Hallmarks

  1. Love of God and Neighbor as Self – A Benedictine education aims at imparting “perfect love of God which casts out fear.”
  2. Prayer – As St. Benedict reminds us, “every time you begin a good work, you must pray to God most earnestly to bring it to perfection.”
  3. Stability – “A school for the Lord’s service” requires us to be committed members of the community.
  4. Conversatio (Growth as a Disciple of Jesus Christ) – Latin for “way of life,” conversatio demands an openness to our education’s transformative power so that we might be equipped with the “tools for the cultivation of virtue.”
  5. Obedience – To the Benedictine, obedience begins in listening carefully “with the ear of the heart” to God speaking to us in Sacred Scripture, Tradition, prayer, and worship.
  6. Discipline – The Benedictine motto, Ora et Labora (pray and work), calls us to be “clothed with faith and the performance of good works.”
  7. Humility – Contrary to the prideful ways of the world, we must remind ourselves daily that “we descend by exaltation and ascend by humility.”
  8. Stewardship – The goods of the Earth are entrusted to us so that we may build up the community, and we should see those as wealthy who do not seek for more material possessions but instead can “thank God” for needing less than others.
  9. Hospitality – Central to Benedictine spirituality is structuring the community so that “all guests who present themselves” can be “welcomed as Christ.”
  10. Community – A Benedictine community is one in which we “prefer nothing whatever to Christ” and give to one another “the good zeal which leads to God and everlasting life.”



Rev. Maximilian Maxwell O.S.B.
Director, Campus Ministry 
Ms. Bridget DiVittis
Assistant Director for Operations, Programming and Services
Mr. Justin Massetto
Associate Director of Music and Liturgy - Campus Ministry 
Ms. Dominique Tedrow
Coordinator for Formation Programs and Womens Fellowship 
Br. Francisco Whittaker O.S.B.
Assistant Director of Campus Ministry 
Br. Jose Rosa O.S.B
Assistant to the Director