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  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Minor
Students sit in a circle in a college philosophy class

Love of Wisdom

Philosophy literally means the love of wisdom. To love wisdom is to take seriously your most profound questions, to refuse to accept blindly the appearances of things and to reflect on the standards offered to you by the surrounding culture, and to live an examined life in pursuit of the Truth that sets one free. A major in philosophy teaches you to read, think, and converse at the highest and deepest levels. It liberates you from being intimidated by difficult ideas. It also puts you into contact with some of the greatest minds of our own and other cultures, while also promoting your capacity to discover new thinkers and ideas beyond the classroom. Finally, philosophy is at the heart of the Catholic intellectual tradition, for, as St. John Paul II put it, "faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth." 

Saint Vincent provides opportunities to double major, minor, or earn additional certificates to enhance your education and marketability. Philosophy majors often combine their studies with the following:

Undergraduate Programs

Program Highlights

Careers After Saint Vincent

Philosophical training hones critical thinking, reading, and writing skills, which are highly valuable for careers in business, ministry, education, and politics. Philosophy majors consistently earn some of the highest scores on graduate school entrance exams. Those who choose to pursue a career directly after college thrive in a wide variety of workplaces.

Recent alumni have been admitted for graduate or law school at such prestigious institutions as:

  • The Catholic University of America
  • Franciscan University of Steubenville
  • The Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome (The Angelicum)
  • Princeton University
  • Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University (Rome)
  • Texas A&M University
  • Villanova University
  • William & Mary Law School

Our alumni excel in diverse professional roles, such as:
  • Canon Lawyer for the Diocese of Covington, KY
  • Chaplain and Lieutenant in the U.S. Navy
  • Head of School at CCMT Catholic School (Toledo, OH)
  • Program Coordinator at the University of Notre Dame
  • Professors at Arizona State University and Texas A&M University
  • Senior Digital Marketing Analyst at Gatesman Agenc

Student Success Stories

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    Gabriel A. Jakubisin, C’10

    "Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living; I'm not sure he's 100% correct, but I certainly know the fulfillment that studying philosophy has brought me. The ability to parse through ideas logically, to think with clarity and precision through ethical quandaries, and the appreciation for the great minds whose shoulders we stand upon: these things are great gifts given to me by my studies at SVC. I also think that there have been tremendous benefits to my professional work from my philosophy studies. My work as an administrator in inner-city elementary education constantly requires of me the mental acuity that I formed during my studies at Saint Vincent. I will be forever grateful to my philosophy professors there."

    Head of School, Central City Ministry of Toledo

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    Fr. Dan Swartz, C’12

    “To paint with a broad brush, philosophy, theology, and political science deal overlappingly with what we know of ourselves, what we know of God, and what we seek to do in response to this knowledge.  Taking classes in all three majors instilled the beginnings of a belief that there should be a unity between all three fields.  All that we say and do should stem from and flow into what we believe.”

    US Naval Chaplain, Archdiocese for the Military Services, US

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    Phil Tran, C’20

    "Because the word 'philosophy' is Greek for 'love of wisdom,' studying philosophy well is more than just learning subject material—it entails engaging with great ideas that intimately inform how one understands the world around him, how he should live his life, and his relationship with his Creator. In this regard, the goals of philosophy share the same goals of an authentic college education in forming both the minds and hearts of its students. I can proudly say that I graduated from Saint Vincent College as a better critical thinker who has succeeded in graduate studies in bioethics and in the workplace and, more importantly, as a lover of wisdom whose pursuit of the true, good, and beautiful has been greatly aided by his studies and mentorship within the SVC philosophy department."

    Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture

Curriculum Requirements

  • Major - Required Courses

    Major - 36 credits

    Required Courses (30 Credits)

    • PL 121 Logic and Theory of Knowledge
    • PL 201 Ancient Philosophy
    • PL 202 Medieval Philosophy
    • PL 203 Modern Philosophy
    • PL 206 19th- and 20th-Century Philosophy
    • PL 214 Love, Dignity & Justice or PL 215 Ethics
    • PL Course fulfilling Core Curriculum Tier 2, SLO 6
    • PL 400 Socratic Seminar
    • PL 440 or 450 Senior Capstone Exam or Thesis
    • PL Elective

    Elective Courses - Plus 2 courses from the following (6)

    • PL 220 Philosophical Anthropology
    • PL 230 Metaphysics
    • PL 240 Influence of Philosophy on Theology
    • PL 281 Justice and Charity
  • Minor - Required Courses

    Minor - 18 Credits

    Required Courses (6 Credits)

    • PL 201    Ancient Philosophy
    • PL 400    Socratic Seminar     

    Elective Courses (12 Credits)

    • One of the following - PL 202 Medieval Philosophy, PL 203 Modern Philosophy, or PL 206 19th- and 20th-Century Philosophy    
    • 3 additional philosophy courses
  • Key Courses

    Justice and Charity: This course explores the virtues of justice and charity, essential for securing the common good. Through St. Thomas Aquinas’ virtue theory, students will study these virtues’ roles in moral, economic, and political life, and apply Aquinas’ insights to contemporary issues and Catholic Social Teaching.

    Ethics and Technology: This course examines moral questions arising from technological advancements. It covers the history and philosophy of technology, ethical theories, and their application to cybertechnology, surveillance, new media, robotics, AI, and biotechnology. The goal is to evaluate moral frameworks for guiding actions amidst increasing automation.

    Philosophical Anthropology: This course explores the question, “What does it mean to be a human being?” It examines leading views of human existence over the past 24 centuries, focusing on our capacity for independent action and the influence of historical, linguistic, and cultural elements. The course reflects on the character of human nature.

Facilities and Resources

Three men engaged in a discussion around a table during a meeting, with one man gesturing while speaking.

Center for Catholic Thought and Culture

The Saint Vincent Center for Catholic Thought and Culture (CCTC) is an invaluable resource for philosophy majors at Saint Vincent College. Established in the spirit of Boniface Wimmer’s mission, the CCTC fosters interdisciplinary academic inquiry rooted in the Catholic Intellectual and Benedictine Wisdom Traditions. It offers programs in theology, philosophy, marriage and family, politics, economics, rhetoric, art, and science, demonstrating the intellectual rigor of Catholic thought and its impact on personal and community well-being.

Two women collaborating and brainstorming over a tablet in a bright, modern workspace with a whiteboard in the background.

The Writing Center

The Writing Center, located in the Dale P. Latimer Library, offers support to enhance writing skills. Trained consultants provide 1:1 tutorials, group sessions, and workshops, guiding students through all stages of writing. Rooted in Benedictine Hallmarks, the center fosters a welcoming and constructive environment, celebrating individuality and collaboration to help students become confident, independent writers.


Program Distinctives

Through Saint Vincent Seminary, the Philosophy Department has affiliated accreditation with the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant'Anselmo in Rome.

Undergraduate Programs