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Mathematics/Actuarial Science

  • Bachelor of Science

Actuarial Science is a discipline that assesses financial risks in the insurance and finance fields using mathematical and statistical methods. It applies the mathematics of probability and statistics to define, analyze and solve the financial implications of uncertain future events.

Undergraduate Programs

Why Should I Enroll in this Program?

  • Actuarial Science is a growing field that has attracted more and more interest every year. It leads to some of the highest paid jobs.

Curriculum Requirements

  • Major Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics/Actuarial Science


    Major Requirements
    MA 111 Analytical Calculus I - 4 Credits
    MA 112 Analytical Calculus II - 4 Credits
    MA 211 Analytical Calculus III - 4 Credits
    MA 212 Differential Equations - 4 Credits
    MA 251 Linear Algebra - 3 Credits
    MA 311 Probability and Statistics I - 3 Credits
    MA 312 Probability and Statistics II - 3 Credits
    Abstract Algebra or Real Analysis - 8 Credits
    Two Science Sequences - 8 Credits
    CS 102 Fundamentals of IT and Computing - 3 Credits
    BA 100 Financial Accounting I - 3 Credits
    BA 101 Financial Accounting II - 3 Credits
    BA 320 Corporate Finance I - 3 Credits
    BA 350 Business Statistics - 3 Credits
    BA 362 Investments I: Securities - 3 Credits
    BA 367 Investments III: Alternative Assets - 3 Credits

  • Exams

    In order to be an actuary one must pass a series of actuarial exams through the Society of Actuaries professional organization.

Program Highlights

Student Learning Outcomes

  • To provide a well-rounded scientific and liberal arts education that prepares students for entry into our partner institution for successful completion of an actuarial science degree and for a rewarding career.
  • To enable qualified students to receive both a liberal and technical education and, in so doing, to provide the Nation with more broadly educated actuaries.
  • To provide a student who has not yet decided between actuarial science and other disciplines additional time to make that decision while the student studies both arts and sciences during the first three years at Saint Vincent College.



Undergraduate Programs