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  • Bachelor of Science
  • Minor
Students in chemistry class

The Saint Vincent College Chemistry Department seeks to provide students with a solid foundation in chemistry set in the broad context of the liberal arts. Our chemistry degree provides graduates with knowledge of chemical principles, laboratory skills, communication skills and research experiences so that they can pursue a variety of career possibilities in chemistry, biochemistry and environmental chemistry.

Undergraduate Programs

What Can I Do With a Degree in Chemistry?

Majoring in chemistry is an ideal start to your career in the sciences. The many opportunities available at Saint Vincent College during your college years will ensure success after graduation.

Curriculum Requirements

  • Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry

    Major Requirements (66 credits):

    CH 101-102 General Chemistry I, II - 6 credits
    CH 103-104 General Chemistry Laboratory I, II - 2 credits
    CH 216 Quantitative Analysis - 3 credits
    CH 218 Quantitative Analysis Laboratory - 1 credit
    CH 221-222 Organic Chemistry I, II - 6 credits
    CH 223-224 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I, II - 2 credits
    CH 228 Introduction to Biochemistry - 3 credits
    CH 231-232 Physical Chemistry I, II - 6 credits
    CH 233 Physical Chemistry I Laboratory - 1 credit
    CH 241 Inorganic Chemistry - 3 credits
    CH 242 Instrumental Analysis - 2 credits
    CH 282 Advanced Physical Methods - 2 credits
    CH 283 Advanced Chemical Methods - 2 credits
    CH 301 Research Laboratory - 2 credits
    CH 300, 302 Research Seminar I, II - 2 credits
    CH 321 Special Topics - 3 credits
    MA 111-113 Calculus I, II, III - 12 credits
    PH 111-112 General Physics I, II - 6 credits
    PH 113-114 General Physics Laboratory I, II - 2 credits


    Electives 10 credits 

  • Requirements for a Minor in Chemistry

    Requirements for a Minor in Chemistry (25 credits):
    CH 101-102 General Chemistry I, II - 6 credits
    CH 103-104 General Chemistry Laboratory I, II - 2 credits
    CH 216 Quantitative Analysis - 3 credits
    CH 218 Quantitative Analysis Laboratory - 1 credit
    CH 221-224 Organic Chemistry I, II with Laboratory - 8 credits
    At least 5 credits from the following:
    CH 228 Introduction to Biochemistry - 3 credits
    CH 231 Physical Chemistry I - 3 credits
    CH 241 Inorganic Chemistry - 3 credits
    CH 242 Instrumental Analysis - 2 credits
    CH 276 Advanced Environmental Chemistry - 3 credits
    CH 321 Special Topics - 3 credits

Program Highlights


  • Chemistry program students get hands-on instruction with instrumentation and equipment that is widely used in the chemical industry, government labs and graduate schools. In addition, the department features an inert atmosphere glovebox, a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and an ion chromatograph.
  • Many of our students participate in summer internships either in industry (PPG, Johnson-Matthey, R.J. Lee Group) or at larger research universities (University of Pittsburgh, University of Montana)
  • The Saint Vincent College chemistry club is a Student Affiliate chapter of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and has received awards of commendation from ACS for its service to the community, educational outreach and social events for the past 11 years.

Accreditations and Affiliations

American Chemical Society approved chemistry program.

Internships and Careers in Chemistry

  • Employment

    PPG Industries
    Dow Chemical
    Johnson Mathey
    Valspar Coatings
    U.S. Steel
    Teaching high school chemistry
    Forensic laboratory work
    Pharmaceutical sales
  • Graduate Programs

    University of Minnesota
    Penn State
    University of Pittsburgh
    University of Notre Dame
    Case Western Reserve University
    University of Georgia
    University of South Carolina
    University of Kentucky

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students graduating with a degree in chemistry will have an understanding of chemical principles in organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry that allows them to apply those principles to advanced topics.
  • Students will be able to perform a variety of modern chemical laboratory techniques and run modern instrumentation.
  • Students will be able to communicate in both oral and written forms that are appropriate to the modern practice of chemistry. Students should be able to apply the Six Principles of Good Writing to their chemistry writing.
  • Chemistry students in their junior and senior years will be able to design, develop, conduct and report on an independent research project.
  • Students will develop higher order thinking skills of synthesis, analysis and applications.

Undergraduate Programs