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PK-12 Reading Specialist

  • Certificate
Education PK-12

Candidates with an initial certification can add on a PK-12 reading specialist.  Having this additional certification will allow candidates to work in settings where reading recovery, intervention, and support are needed.  Once certified as a reading specialist, career and many classroom teaching opportunities will become accessible.  Having the expertise in reading intervention and diagnosis will enable candidates to broaden into fields beyond a classroom teacher.

Graduate Programs

Curriculum Requirements

  • Non-Degree Graduate Level PK-12 Reading Specialist Certification* ONLY (21 Credits)

    Required certification credits (21)
    GCED 620 Assessment and Diagnostics
    GCED 635 Instructional Methodology
    GCRS 603 Foundations of Literacy
    GCRS 613 Complex Text and Disciplinary Literacy
    GCRS 623 Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties
    GCRS 633 Techniques for Reading Difficulties and Remediation
    GCRS 643 Reading Specialist Practicum PreK-12
    Five (5) non-degree courses (620, 635, 603, 613, & 623) above will transfer into the master’s degree program in Curriculum and Instruction.

    *Graduate PK-12 Reading Specialist is for already certified teachers that desire to add-on certification. 

    For more information see PK-12 Reading Specialist Program Handbook

    Recommended:  Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction with PK-12 Reading Specialist Certification
  • M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction (30 credits) + PK-12 Reading Specialist Certification (36 credits total)

    Required degree credits (21)
    GCED 600 Educational Leadership
    GCED 605 Statistics and Research
    GCED 610 Current Issues
    GCED 615 Curriculum Systems Design
    GCED 620 Assessment and Diagnostics
    GCED 625 Instructional Technology
    GCED 635 Instructional Methodology
    GCED 800 Comprehensive Exam

    Required graduate elective credits (9)
    GCRS 603 Foundations of Literacy
    GCRS 613 Complex Text and Disciplinary Literacy
    GCRS 623 Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties

    Other courses for certification (6)
    GCRS 633 Techniques for Reading Difficulties and Remediation
    GCRS 643 Reading Specialist Practicum PreK-12

Graduate Programs